I. Lead lover into a pine grove and cross three brooks north-to-south on a Thursday's dawn.
II. Ingest together the peel of one apple, cut by the paring knife held by a widow three years' deceased.
III. Let lover rest on a bed of clover. At highest noon, invoke a bovine transfiguration (refer to Fellow's Fauna and Folk: Transmutation During Daylyght (sic).
IV. Lead lover home and fast it until Saturday.
V. Take lover to market. Trade flesh of the body to any butcher in return of the head intact, save a vertical incision on the brow no longer than a finger's length.
VI. Return home and let the head rest under the shade of an elm native to the colonies. Let no sun touch it for twelve hours. Should the wound begin to fester in ochre and green tones, then it has drawn with success. Bury the head one meter deep in the location of your choice. Effects may be noted in a six acre radius.