Pussy Roundup - Moot - Lvl 01 Braindribbles

To help temper the challenge of an open-ended personal project, I decided to set a few clear parameters for Pussy Roundup. First one is that it would be a side scroller. Second is that each character takes on a level fashioned after one Western landscape. For Moot, that's taking the low desert and progressing upward through the canyons. Third is a couple design choices. Keystone artists I love and am pulling from are Maynard Dixon and Edgar Payne, for both their graphic shapes and saturated palettes. These are just a few sketches trying to figure out what exactly that means and how Moot's level might move and evolve through space from point A to B.
This has been lots of fun so far to work on, but the biggest obstacle for me right now is working in a vacuum of ideas while being at home with young kids. Never underestimate the value of other artistic minds to bounce ideas off of!